Digital Signature
Electronic signatures for Alfresco
Seamless integration to legally sign your documents
With the Xenit Electronic Signature Connector for Alfresco, you can digitally sign your documents or have them signed by others.
You can easily manage approvals, mandates, signing methods, signing orders, legal notices, expiry dates, and more… all while being fully compliant with the eIDAS regulation.
Lower the costs and improve efficiency
By transforming from paper-based processes to digital, online workflows, you are working more efficiently and you’re spending less budget on resources and manpower.
Connective’s eSignatures functionalities can be integrated into your own web applications via the flexible and fully functional Application Programming Interface (API). So any desired functionality can be automated in the background, guaranteeing a seamless integration with your own customer portal.
A wide range of identification & signing methods
Through one single point of integration Connective’s digital signature solution offers you plenty of identity methods & other signing methods that are available to digitally sign documents.
This includes a wide range of European eID-schemes that are compliant with the eIDAS Regulation.
The key features in a row
Compliant with the e-Signature laws in the European Union, Directive 1999/93/EC & Regulation 910/2014 (eIDAS), and in the United States, the UETA & E-SIGN acts
Include and support multiple types of documents
Flexibility to integrate the connector in Alfresco Digital Workspace and ADF
GDPR compliant Follow up signing process and send reminders
Ronny Timmermans Managing Director
At Xenit, we build and operate open-source search and document services since 2007. At that
time, affordable and practical digital signatures were the missing link between business partners.
Today, digital is the new normal and electronic signatures are essential. Connective`s eSignatures
the solution, integrated with Alfresco’s digital business platform empowers our customers to
accelerate and protect end-to-end digital transactions. Besides, the Connective eSignatures
solutions comply with eIDAS regulation. And next to signing, Xenit leverages digital sealing so
that we can offer legally compliant and hyper-scalable content services.