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ChatECM: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning on Enterprise Content Management
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) have the potential to revolutionise the way businesses operate. The Enterprise Content Management (ECM) industry is surely no exception. The integration of AI and ML into ECM systems allow organisations to automate routine tasks, enhance search and gain deeper insights from their content. An intelligent content management system...
Digital Signatures have become the new normal however, there are still many misconceptions about them. Does a digital signature have the same legal value as written signatures? What is the importance of identification in a signature session? Does the end-user always have to download software when signing documents digitally? Consumer purchases, business-to-business transactions, and governmental administration are...
The user experience is paramount in the choice and adoption of the Alfresco Digital Platform and any Content Service Platform. Many collaboration platforms fail because business users are presented with a default layout that is neither configured to their needs nor reveals many of the offers that the platform can offer. Companies still struggle with user...
UX design is crucial to just about everything. It renders the latest technology accessible to the masses, makes our apps and websites a pleasure to use, and determines which brands and products we return to over and over again. To put it simply, design matters. Alfred Finder is a web application, React-based, that allows you to...
The GDPR requirements are quite popular now. The hype is real, as much as the penalties if you don’t comply with it. In the previous article, “When technology meets regulation (GDPR) – part I“, by showing you a demonstration to secure your information under the General Data Protection Regulation, we have anticipated how the GDPR...
The short answer is yes. Organizations do still waste valuable time every day due to broken processes. No matter the cause, the amount of time wasted in futile searching for vital information is enormous, leading to staggering costs to the enterprise. In this article, we would like to take an analytical approach, by reading through...
To cope with overwhelming increases in documents, emails, and other communications, more and more organizations are embracing a structured, centralized approach, such as Content Service Platforms, such as Alfresco. Many collaboration platforms fail because business users are presented with a default layout that is neither configured to their needs nor reveals many of the offers that the platform can...
One employee can waste up to 10 hours a month on document inefficiencies. Working on incorrect or outdated files, wasting time searching for documents or looking for the right version, and generating duplication, those behaviors decrease dramatically the productivity and increase the operational costs. Challenges that most probably your company is facing, just right now....
In today’s world, there is a proliferation of documents and organizations have huge amounts of content that is poorly managed—or not managed at all. Documents are on shared drives, emails, and different and multiple Content Services Platforms or portable devices. Employees struggle to find what they are searching for, decreasing their productivity and increasing their inefficiency....
Announcing a new product is always exciting, but still, people may be skeptical and when they read this kind of article, most of them are looking for a simple answer to the following question: is your product solving my problem? Going directly to the point, if you struggle all the time to find the right...